Social Media Marketing Plan
The final project for a Social Media course was to craft a social media marketing plan for a fictitious soy yogurt company. I created an overall strategy that incorporated social media tactics and content marketing to increase brand awareness and boost sales.
Presentation on Emerging Technology
The presentation explores Blockchain as an emerging technology. I researched the technology, shared how it is being used by marketers today and made recommendations about how it will enable marketers to move the dial in the future. I created the presentation for my Mobile Marketing course.
Webinar Digital Flyer
The flyer was sent to customers and prospective commercial customers to invite them to a live presentation about how businesses are taking advantage of Unified Communications (UC). I developed the turn-key concept, negotiated with a third-party research firm, secured a nationally-known speaker, provided direction, edited copy on the flyer and landing page, selected images and collaborated with the speaker.
Employee Newsletter Article
I utilized my writing skills to create an article for an internal newsletter about a Cyber Security Webinar Series. I sparked lead generation by developing the series, securing a global expert as speaker and collaborating with cross-functional teams. I promoted the webinars through marketing automation emails, digital ads and public relations. I also facilitated the live events.
Content Marketing
I developed the strategy to create a White Paper about the business benefits of Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOiP). I selected a technical writing vendor, managed negotiations, gave direction, edited copy and promoted the content.